12 days yoga retreats

We at 7 Chakras Yoga School is a yoga ashram in the Himalayan foothills that offers a one-of-a-kind Living Yoga Program based on the 'karma-yog' principles. Our program includes fundamental elements of higher living, such as spirituality, social integration, and selfless action (nishkam karma). Our 12-day yoga retreat programme provides a wellness programme that includes yoga classes for practitioners of all skill levels, from beginning to advanced.

Join us for a yoga retreat for all levels, designed to help you disconnect from the stresses of work and reconnect with your inner self. These retreats often include a variety of yoga courses and workshops tailored to each participant's goals and skills, with the goal of helping people develop their yoga practice and enhance their overall health and well-being. A yoga retreat for all levels provides a supportive and compassionate environment in which people may deepen their yoga practice, enhance their general health and well-being, and connect with peers who share their interest in yoga and wellness.

It's an opportunity to unwind from the demands of everyday life, immerse yourself in nature, and reconnect with your inner self.

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Course Syllabus

112 Days Yoga Retreat - Timetable & Syllabus

Daily Schedule

Pranayama & Shatkarma

5:30 - 6:30

Traditional Hatha yoga

6:30 - 8:30


8:30 - 9:30

Alignment and Teaching Methodology

10:00 - 11:30

Yoga Anatomy and Physiology

11:30 - 12:30


12:30 - 1:30

Additional classes / Ayurvedic Massage

12:30 - 1:30

Yoga Philosophy

3:00 - 4:00

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

4:00 - 6:00

Mantra Chanting

6:15 - 7:00


7:00 - 9:00


Students will gain extensive knowledge on yoga postures and will increase their strength, flexibility, and discipline.

The purpose of mantra chanting in yoga is to generate vibrations and connect with the universe. Each mantra is special and rich with spiritual energy.

  • Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya (mantra from Upanishad)
  • Tvameva Mata Ca Pita Tvameva (Sloka on gods)
  • Om Tryambakam Yajamahe (mantra on Lord Shiva)
  • Om Sahana Vavatu (mantra from Upanishad)
  • Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo maheshwara (Guru stotram)
  • Yogena Cittasya (Sloka on Sage Patanjali)
  • Hare Rama, Hare Krishna (Maha mantra)
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra
  • Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha (Gayatri mantra)

This part of the syllabus includes:

  • Sun salutation A
  • Sun salutation B
  • Primary series & Advance posture.
  • Padangusthasana - Big toe posture
  • Padahastasana - Hand under foot posture
  • Utthita Trikonasana - Triangle pose
  • Parivrtta Trikonasana - Revolving triangle
  • Utthita Parvakonasana - Extended side angle pose
  • Parivritta Parsvakonasana - Revolving side angle pose
  • Prasarita Padottanasana A to D - Intense wide leg stretch
  • Parsvottanasana - Intense side stretch posture
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana - Hand to big toe posture
  • Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana - Half bound lotus forward bend
  • Utkatasana - Fierce pose
  • Virabhadrasana A to B - Warrior

    The Vinyasa Yoga Sllaybus includes:

  • Purvottanasana - Intense east stretch
  • Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana - Half bound lotus forward bend
  • Tiriang Mukhaipada Paschimottanasana - Reverse the leg direction of one leg intense east stretch
  • Janu Sirsasana A to C - Head to knee pose
  • Marichyasana A to D
  • Navasana - Boat posture
  • Bhujapidasana- Shoulder pressure posture
  • Kurmasana - Tortoise posture
  • Supta Kurmasana - Sleeping tortoise
  • Garbha Pindasana - Embryo posture
  • Kukkutasana - Rooster posture
  • Baddha Konasana A to B - Bound angle posture
  • Upavista Konasana A to B - Seated angle posture
  • Supta Konasana A to B - Lying down angle posture
  • Supta Padangustasana - Reclining big toe posture
  • Ubhaya Padangusthasana - Both big toes postures
  • Urdhva Mukha Paschimottasana - Upward facing full forward bend
  • Setu Bandhasana - Bridge
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana - Upward bow posture
  • Paschimottanasana - Full forward bend
  • Salamba Sarvangasana - Shoulder-stand
  • Halasana - Plow
  • Karnapidasana - Ear pressure posture
  • Urdhva padmasana - Upward lotus
  • Pindasana - Embryo posture
  • Matsyasana - Fish posture
  • Uttana Padasana - Extended leg posture
  • Sirsasana - Headstand
  • Yoga Mudra - Sealed yoga posture
  • Padmasana - Lotus
  • Uttpluthi - uprooting
  • Shavasana - Corpse posture

The practice of mudra hand gestures is an ancient facet of yoga. Performing gestures affects the energy flow of the body and can change a person's spiritual and mental characteristics.

  • Introduction of mudras
  • Jnana and Chin mudra
  • Yoni mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Hridaya mudra
  • Khechari mudra
  • Nasikagra mudra
  • Shambhavi mudra

Meditation is a systematic practice that promotes physical, mental, and emotional tranquility with the purpose of reaching Samadhi (self-realization).

  • Introduction to meditation
  • Why Meditation?
  • Meditation and brain waves
  • Meditation and its effect on stress management
  • Obstacles in meditation
  • Role of concentration in meditation and tips for developing concentration
  • Meditation on body and breath
  • Om / mantra meditation
  • Antat and Bahir Trataka
  • Dynamic meditation
  • Tips for silent mditation practice
  • Japa meditation
  • Ajapa japa
  • Antar mouna
  • Nada meditation

Yogic cleansing exercises are important to learn how to incorporate your breath and meditate properly during physical aspects of yoga. It also removes the blockages in the energy channels.

  • Jalaneti satkarma (nasal cleansing with salty water)
  • Rubber neti (nasal cleansing with a rubber string)
  • Agnisar kriya
  • Nauli kriya
  • Kapalbhati cleansing

    This part of the Sllaybus covers the follow topics:

  • Effects of pranayama in respiratory system
  • Effects of yoga practice and Nauli in digestive system
  • Muscular and skeletal system with advance postures
  • Anatomy of pelvic griddle and spine
  • Nadis - The energy channel
  • Prana and nervous system
  • Kundalini Shakti
  • Chakra
  • Panchakosha
  • Therapeutic applications of yoga postures and how to avoid injury in asana class

Sitting Postures course sllaybus includes:

  • Dandasana - Staff pose
  • Paschimottanasana A to D Intense West - Stretch or sitting forward bend

The Pranamaya course Sllaybus includes:

  • Introduction of Paranayama
  • Meaning & Defination.
  • Relavance of Pranayama in modern time.
  • Benefits of Pranayama
  • 5 Prana and Components of Pranayama
  • Preparation for Pranayama
  • Methods of Pranayama
    1. Balancing pranayama
    2. Vitalizing Pranayama
    3. Tranquilizing Pranayama
  • The pranic body
  • Annamaya kosha
  • Manomaya kosha
  • Pranamaya kosha
  • Vijnanamaya kosha
  • Anandamaya kosha
  • Natural breathing
  • Abdominal breathing
  • Thoracic breathing
  • Clavicular breathing
  • Yogic breathing
  • Nadi shodhana pranayama and its techniques
  • Sheetali pranayama and its techniques
  • Sheetkari pranayama
  • Bhramari pranayama
  • Ujjayi pranayama
  • Bhastika pranayama
  • Kapalbhati pranayama
  • Moorchha pranayama
  • Surya Bheda pranayama
  • Chandra Bhedana pranayama
  • Swana pranayama

Hatha Yoga course sllaybus covers the following topics:

  • Alignment, assist, and adjustment
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutation)
  • handra namaskar (moon salutation)
  • Bharadvajasana
  • Lolasana - Swinging pose
  • Kukkutasana - Rooster pose
  • Sarpasana - Snake pose
  • Shalabhasana - Locust pose
  • Dhanurasana - Bow pose
  • Paschimottanasana - Seated forward bend
  • Janu sirshasana - Head to knee pose
  • Parivirta janu sirshasana - Revolving head to knee pose
  • Sarvangasana - Shoulder stand
  • Padam sarvangasana - Shoulder stand lotus pose
  • Sirshasana- Headstand
  • Natarajasana - Lord Shiva’s pose
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
  • aukasana - Boat pose
  • Vatayanasana - Horse face pose
  • Mayurasana - Peacock pose
  • Koormasana - Tortoise pose
  • Chakrasana - Wheel pose
  • Hanumanasana - Monkey pose
  • Agnistambhasana- Fire log pose
  • Brahmacharyasana - Celibate’s pose
  • Astavakrasana - Eight-twists pose
  • Ek pada sirasana - One foot to head pose
  • Chaturanga Dandasana
  • Pincha Mayurasana - Feathered peacock pose
  • Eka Pada Koundinyasana - Sage koundinyasana
  • Handstand - Adho Mukha Vrksasana
  • Ardha Pincha Mayurasana - Dolphin pose
  • Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana - Dolphin plank pose
  • Bakasana - Crow pose
  • Ek Pada Bakasana - One leg crow
  • Utthan Pristhasana - Lizard pose
  • Pashasana - Noose pose
  • Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana - Sundial or compass pose
  • Titibasana - Firefly pose
  • Parshva Bakasana - Side crow

Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front of their peers and teachers.

  • Demonstration
  • Alignment
  • Instructions

A yoga teacher should efficiently perform the practical applications of class planning and preparation. At RishikeshYTTC, the students will learn how to create a positive and peaceful class environment for an enjoyable and transformative experience.

  • Positive and conscious communication
  • Time management
  • Qualities of a teacher
  • Principles of demonstrating, observation, assisting, and correcting
  • Use of voice in class
  • Mental and emotional preparation for teaching
  • Class preparation.
  • Step by step class structure planning
  • Classroom management and its discipline.
  • Awareness of Injuries.

Yoga philosophy is the foundation of your yoga practice and it is the key to earn yogic strength. Through the path of Vedanta Philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice.

The Patanjali Yoga Sutras will cover:

  • Chapter 1 - Samadhi pada
  • Chapter 2 - Sadhana pada

Anatomy & Yoga Therapy will cover:

  • Concepts of panchakosha(5 layers) and Trisharira(3 Bodies)
  • Introduction to Musculoskeletal system with insights to asanas
  • Rispiratory system
  • mechanisms and Therapeutic implications of Pranayama
  • Circulatory System
  • Digestive System
  • Mechanisms and Therapeutic implications of Shatkarma
  • Mechanisms and Therapeutic implications of Asanas
  • Endocrine System
  • Nervous System

12 day yoga retreat: Eligibility

Participation in our 12-day yoga retreat teacher training program is open for all, however, there are certain eligibility requirements that one must remember:

  • Minimum Age: To fully benefit from our retreat programme, participants must be at least 18 years old.
  • Yoga Experience: Our retreat programme is geared for both novices with a basic understanding of yoga and those with prior yoga experience. This could range from a few months or years of consistent yoga practice to competency in various yoga positions (asanas) and basic yoga philosophy.
  • Physical Fitness: Because this retreat requires physical practice, participants should be in good physical health and free of any serious injuries or medical illnesses that might prohibit them from fully engaging in the programme. Individuals with specific needs or limits, on the other hand, are frequently accommodated.

Individuals interested in joining in our yoga retreat teacher training programme should carefully consider the short qualifying criteria and conditions before submitting their application. If you have any queries or concerns concerning eligibility, please contact the programme organisers or teachers directly.

What Is Included and Not Included In Our Yoga Retreat Fees?

Our yoga retreat fees includes a comfortable accommodation for the set duration of the retreat, delicious and healthy Sattvic meals with herbal tea. We offer relaxing services like spa treatments, ayurveda massages, and multi-style Yoga practices and meditation sessions guided by experts. All the equipments and necessary arrangements are managed by us.

Travel charges, insurance and any other liabilities such as visa applications or airfare along with any personal expenses on clothing or personal hygiene items are not included in the retreat fees.

If you are looking for a place to master the art of yoga 7 Chakra Yoga School can be your it choice primarily because of its lively, vibrant and cutting-edge yoga-ashra. We assure you that you can differentiate us from everyone around not just because of the yogic-practices we offer but also for how we povide the correct understandings of the traditions, context and meaning of yogic science, asana and philosophy.

Life at 7 Chakras


7 Chakras Yoga School accommodation is facilitated with Wi-Fi connection and with air-conditioning available (on request only).

All rooms are provided with attached bathrooms. The bathrooms are equipped with hot showers and towels. There is a yoga hall where you can practice yoga and meditate.

You can choose between a shared or private room according to your budgets. Accommodation and the campus provided by 7 Chakras Yoga School is neat and clean.

Register Today!

12 Days Yoga Retreat Fee & Schedule - 2024

1 August 2024

$ 555 - Budget Shared
$ 666 - Standard Shared

$ 666 - Budget Private
$ 777 - Standard Private

Seats: 09 / 20

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1 September 2024

$ 555 - Budget Shared
$ 666 - Standard Shared

$ 666 - Budget Private
$ 777 - Standard Private

Seats: 09 / 20

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1 October 2024

$ 555 - Budget Shared
$ 666 - Standard Shared

$ 666 - Budget Private
$ 777 - Standard Private

Seats: 09 / 20

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1 November 2024

$ 555 - Budget Shared
$ 666 - Standard Shared

$ 666 - Budget Private
$ 777 - Standard Private

Seats: 09 / 20

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1 December 2024

$ 555 - Budget Shared
$ 666 - Standard Shared

$ 666 - Budget Private
$ 777 - Standard Private

Seats: 15 / 20

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1 January 2025

$ 555 - Budget Shared
$ 666 - Standard Shared

$ 666 - Budget Private
$ 777 - Standard Private

Seats: 07 / 20

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Best Offer


The following will be included in 100 Hour Yoga TTC Rishikesh

If you want to explore Rishikesh ( World Capital of Yoga ) 7 Chakras is providing the best program in Rishikesh. It helps the student to reach the inner mind, regain peace and harmony, along with the body to regain its stamina and beauty.

Our Students gives us feedback from time to time, stating it was a life-changing experience retreat program for them, so many habits have been changed in their daily lifestyle.

Get yourself registered at its earliest and do confirm your seats with us. Feel free to call or write to us anytime, and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours of time.

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I have just completed my 500 hour yoga teacher training at this school and would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone wanting a truly authentic experience.

Melissa Morris
May 2023
200 Hour Yoga TTC

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Frequently Asked Questions - 200 Hour YTTC

Can You Teach Yoga With 100 Hour Certification?

Yes, you can teach even if you don't yet have a teacher certification. You should always practice and learn as much as possible about teaching, especially in the beginning. A good studio would at the very least provide you with helpful mentoring and require you to be in the effort to complete a 200-hour course.

Why Do a 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course?

100 hour yoga teacher training will help you to develop your daily practice, and develop the habit of daily kriyas (physical poses), pranayama (breathing exercises), mudras (hand postures) and dhyana (meditation). In our Teacher Training program, you will learn about the skeletal and muscular systems of the body and how they affect your practice. You will also learn more about the various body systems including the nervous system and endocrine system.