prenatal yoga

Prenatal & Postnatal course : Yoga Course for New Mothers

One of the most precious gifts in life for a woman is becoming a mother. During this time, we find many changes physically and psychological. In this beautiful period of child growth in the Womb and post conceive, the beautiful mother needs special attention, support and precautions to be followed which is beneficial to both mother and child.

This purpose can be served by Yoga, which helps to provide both physical and psychological balance with simple yogic practices.

The Benefits

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga TTC

  • This strengthens hips, arms, back and shoulders which help to carry the baby weight, as this increases the energy level of the Pregnant women.
  • The course is designed in such a way that helps Pregnant women to reduce the lower back pain, as during this period the women will have lower back issues because of the belly bump. This also results in developing a lower back curve change.
  • Because of lots of physical changes in the body results in a low stress, which can manage with this course.
  • Due to hormonal changes in the body, there will be a lot of mood swings and body imbalances. With this course, we can balance and restore the balance of the body.
  • You can become certified yoga practitioners, who can help people during pregnancy.

Other Benefits of doing Prenatal and Postnatal Teacher Training Certification:

You can train and take care of Pregnant women and Postnatal care for the mother.

This training is also beneficial for those who are planning for pregnancy or childbirth.

Prenatal & Postnatal subject To be Covered

  • Prenatal & Postnatal Asana
  • Prenatal & Postnatal Theory
  • Pranayama & Meditation
  • Philosophy Session
  • Mantra Chanting Session
  • Ayurveda Session
Schedule & Curriculum

Schedule / Curriculum of the Course:

  • Physiology during the Pregnancy
  • Benefits of doing yoga during pregnancy, birth and post-natal
  • Pregnancy yoga guidelines
  • Conditions, Complications, Contra-indications & Cautions
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy
  • Using a resolve/Sankalpa
  • Process, physiology and stages of Labor & Birth
  • Positive thinking and living to create a happy baby, mother and pregnancy
  • Conception relief
  • Specific information & precautions for each of the trimesters